Using the Specification Pattern in Typescript

In some of my C# project I used the Specification pattern for handling business rules. An example of this can be found at But I was wondering if we could create the same experience in Typescript as well. So lets give it a try. I just used the example of the WIKI site but converted it to Typescript.

Specify the interface

Before creating specifications we need the ISpecification interface

export interface ISpecification<T> {
    IsSatisfiedBy(candidate: T): boolean;

I don't like the way Wiki creates a ISpecification<T> with the And/Or/Not operators so I created a second interface which contains the operators for composite specifications.

export interface ICompositeSpecification<T> extends ISpecification<T>{
    and(other: ICompositeSpecification<T>): ICompositeSpecification<T>;
    or(other: ICompositeSpecification<T>): ICompositeSpecification<T>;
    not(): ICompositeSpecification<T>;

Creating Base classes

First we will create a base class for the composite specification.

export abstract class CompositeSpecification<T> implements ICompositeSpecification<T>
    abstract IsSatisfiedBy(candidate: T): boolean;

    and(other: ICompositeSpecification<T>) : ICompositeSpecification<T> {
        return new AndSpecification<T>(this, other);

    or(other: ICompositeSpecification<T>) : ICompositeSpecification<T> {
        return new OrSpecification<T>(this, other);

    not() : ICompositeSpecification<T>{
        return new NotSpecification<T>(this);

As you can see it is also possible in Typescript to use abstract classes with abstract methods! The class must also be 'exported' so it can be used as base class for other Specifications in your project. Now we only need to create the And/Or and Not specification like described in the Wiki page. First the AndSpecification

class AndSpecification<T> extends CompositeSpecification<T>{
        public left:ICompositeSpecification<T>,
        public right:ICompositeSpecification<T>){

    IsSatisfiedBy(candidate: T) : boolean{
        return this.left.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate) 
           && this.right.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate);

As you can see, there is not much code needed for creating this class. The 'left' and 'right' member are specified by the constructor so I can skip the code for settings properties like

this.left = left;
this.right = right

With this AndSpecification in place the other specification are more or less the same except the IsSatisfiedBy method

class OrSpecification<T> extends CompositeSpecification<T>{
        public left:ICompositeSpecification<T>,
        public right:ICompositeSpecification<T>){

    IsSatisfiedBy(candidate: T) : boolean{
        return this.left.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate) 
           || this.right.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate);

class NotSpecification<T> extends CompositeSpecification<T>{
        public spec:ICompositeSpecification<T>){

    IsSatisfiedBy(candidate: T) : boolean{
        return !this.spec.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate);

Example of usage

As an example I created a Person class with name, age and gender property

enum Gender {

class Person {
    public name: string,
    public age: number,
    public gender: Gender) {

The create a list of Persons and use that inside the app class

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CompositeSpecification, ISpecification} from './specifications';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html'
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  persons: Person[] = [];

  ngOnInit() {
    this.persons.push(new Person('Mike', 34, Gender.Male));
    this.persons.push(new Person('Perry', 8, Gender.Male));
    this.persons.push(new Person('Gregory', 6, Gender.Male));
    this.persons.push(new Person('Rachel', 3, Gender.Female));
    this.persons.push(new Person('Betty', 35, Gender.Female));

I created this example with Angular2 but this will work in any Typescript application

Let say you want to filter the list of persons with the following specification:

  1. All mature persons
  2. All mature female persons
  3. All mature persons and females
  4. All immature persons or female

For this we need the following specification classes

export class IsMatureSpecification extends CompositeSpecification<Person>{
  IsSatisfiedBy(candidate: Person): boolean {
    return candidate.age > 18;

export class GenderSpecification extends CompositeSpecification<Person>{
  constructor(private gender: Gender){ super(); }

  IsSatisfiedBy(candidate: Person): boolean {
    return candidate.gender == this.gender;

We can add these specifications to the AppComponent class

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    persons: Person[] = [];

    private femaleSpec = new GenderSpecification(Gender.Female);
    private matureSpec = new IsMatureSpecification();


In the AppComponent I created a private method for filtering the list of persons using a specification

  private executeSpecification(spec: ISpecification<Person>) {
    let filteredList: Person[] = [];
    this.persons.forEach(person => {
      if (spec.IsSatisfiedBy(person)) {
    return filteredList;

With the private method from above I can easily show you that the specifications work with the following code

  get females() {
    return this.executeSpecification(this.femaleSpec);

  get matureFemales() {
    let matureFemales = this.femaleSpec.and(this.matureSpec);
    return this.executeSpecification(matureFemales);

  get matureOrFemales() {
    let matureFemales = this.femaleSpec.or(this.matureSpec);
    return this.executeSpecification(matureFemales);

  get immatureOrFemales() {
    let matureFemales = this.femaleSpec.or(this.matureSpec.not());
    return this.executeSpecification(matureFemales);

Combine this with the following app.component.html and you can see filtered lists of persons

<h1>Specification Patterns</h1>
<div *ngFor="let person of persons">
    {{}} - {{person.age}}
<div *ngFor="let female of females">
    {{}} - {{female.age}}
<div *ngFor="let female of matureFemales">
    {{}} - {{female.age}}
<div *ngFor="let person of matureOrFemales">
    {{}} - {{person.age}}
<div *ngFor="let person of immatureOrFemales">
    {{}} - {{person.age}}

This will give the following output in the browser


YES! It is possible and very ease to use the specification pattern in Typescript. 


Note: After I finished this blog post I found an npm package that has more or less the same implementation of the specification pattern at: