Mock your Typescript Classes and Interfaces (the easy way) [Angular 2.0.0 Final]

Updated to Angular 2.0.0 Final Release (using TestBed instead of addProviders) and with Spy functionality


If you are familiar with Unit Testing in Typescript / Angular2, you may have created a lot of Mock objects for your unit tests like:

// Mocks the CookieService from angular2-cookie
class MockCookieService {
  public get(key: string): string { return null; }
  public put(key: string, value: string) { }

Such a Mock object does not have to implement all the methods and can be used by Injecting or Providing the class like so:

let cookiesService: CookieService;

// Add the providers
beforeEach(() => {
    providers: [{ provide: CookieService, useClass: MockCookieService }]

// Inject values
beforeEach(inject([ ..., CookieService], (... , _cookieService: CookieService) => {
  cookieService = cookieSrv;

What I don't like about this approach is the way the Mock is created. It should have the same methods, but there is nothing that guarantees that the interface is the same as the original object you want to Mock.

To overcome this problem I wanted to create some Mock<T> object that can be used to create your Mock object with the intellisense you want.

The idea is to be able to specify the object like so:

// Mock for the CookieService from angular2-cookie
mockCookieService = new Mock<CookieService>();
mockCookieService.setup(ls => ls.get);
mockCookieService.setup(ls => ls.put);

Where is it possible to setup values for properties and methods. The Mock class can then be used in the beforeEach the following way:

// Create a variable for the Mock<T> class
let mockCookiesService: Mock<CookieService>;

// NOTE: Change the useClass to useValue and use the 

beforeEach(() => {
  // Create new version every test
  mockCookieService = new Mock<CookieService>();

  // Setup defaults
  mockCookieService.setup(ls => ls.get);
  mockCookieService.setup(ls => ls.put); 

    providers: [{ provide: CookieService, useValue: mockCookieService.Object }]

In you unit tests it is now possible to use the mockCookiesService:

it('using with default setup from beforeEach', () => {
  let r = sut.getValue('Test');

it('setup different value in test', () => {
  mockCookieService.setup(ls => ls.get).is(key => key + '-mock');

  let r = sut.getValue('Test');
  // integrated spy

I created a small library that makes it possible to use Mock objects like about. The code can be found at: and is also available as npm package at:

Or use the npm install:

npm install ts-mocks


I you have any ideas feel free to fork the git repo and make suggestions! I hope you enjoy the solution.